當你要使用Ext JS時,基本上僅需加入下列這三列程式碼:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ext/resources/css/ext-all.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="ext/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="ext/ext-all.js"></script>
Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL = 'ext/resources/images/default/s.gif'; Ext.onReady(function(){ //填入你的程式碼 });onReady( Function fn, [Object scope], [boolean options] ) : void實際上是onDocumentReady( Function fn, [Object scope], [boolean options] ) : void的縮寫,此函式方法需要三個參數(parameter),後兩個可選擇使用,因此呼叫時需要傳遞引數(argument)來呼叫。
![]() |
Ext JS中所有的物件都是Ext.Component元件,元件的設定都是使用JSON格式(沒有使用過Ext JS要特別注意和熟悉)。
另外,因為開發Web Desktop網頁應用程式的需求,因而使用ext-3.1.0\examples\desktop的範例程式,加上分析與修改程式碼符合自己的需要,在這裡貼上程式的五個Ext JS的JavaScript供大家參考。
/*! * Ext JS Library 3.0.3 * Copyright(c) 2006-2009 Ext JS, LLC * licensing@extjs.com * http://www.extjs.com/license */ /*--------------------------------------------------*/ //定義桌面應用程式物件 Ext.app.App = function(cfg){ Ext.apply(this, cfg);//複製cfg屬性到本物件 //自行定義兩個事件為ready與beforeunload this.addEvents({ 'ready': true,//自行定義 'beforeunload': true//自行定義 }); Ext.onReady(this.initApp, this);//呼叫initApp方法,初始化物件 }; /*--------------------------------------------------*/ //定義桌面應用程式物件子類別Ext.app.App,繼承父類別Ext.util.Observable。 Ext.extend(Ext.app.App, Ext.util.Observable, { //以下為繼承之後新增的成員 isReady: false, startMenu: null,//開始選單 modules: null,//應用程式模組 getStartConfig: function(){//讓使用者建立物件時填入 }, //建立桌面應用程式物件之後,會執行initApp函數 initApp: function(){//初始化桌面應用程式 this.startConfig = this.startConfig || this.getStartConfig();//開始功能表組態 this.desktop = new Ext.Desktop(this);//建立桌面物件,參考Desktop.js //desktop物件之中,包含taskbar物件,其中taskbar物件含有startMenu this.launcher = this.desktop.taskbar.startMenu; //launcher發射器 this.modules = this.getModules();//取得模組建立 if (this.modules) { this.initModules(this.modules);//如果模組存在,初始化模組 } this.init(); //appends an event handler to an element, shorthand for addListener //參數:HTML元素,事件名稱,事件處理函數,執行範圍 Ext.EventManager.on(window, 'beforeunload', this.onUnload, this); //觸發ready事件 this.fireEvent('ready', this); this.isReady = true;//完成初始化 }, getModules: Ext.emptyFn,//A reusable empty function讓使用者建立物件時填入 init: Ext.emptyFn,//A reusable empty function讓使用者建立物件時填入 //這裡將模組加入開始功能表 initModules: function(ms){//初始化模組 for (var i = 0, len = ms.length; i < len; i++) { var m = ms[i]; //modify!! if(m.show==true) this.launcher.add(m.launcher); m.app = this; } }, getModule: function(name){//取得模組 var ms = this.modules; for (var i = 0, len = ms.length; i < len; i++) { if (ms[i].id == name || ms[i].appType == name) { return ms[i]; } } return ''; }, //定義事件處理 onReady: function(fn, scope){ if (!this.isReady) { this.on('ready', fn, scope); } else { fn.call(scope, this); } }, getDesktop: function(){ return this.desktop; }, //定義事件處理 onUnload: function(e){ if (this.fireEvent('beforeunload', this) === false) { e.stopEvent(); } } }); /*--------------------------------------------------*/
/*! * Ext JS Library 3.0.3 * Copyright(c) 2006-2009 Ext JS, LLC * licensing@extjs.com * http://www.extjs.com/license */ /*--------------------------------------------------*/ //定義桌面物件(函數物件) Ext.Desktop = function(app){ //呼叫new Ext.Desktop(this);時,將執行下列指令碼 this.taskbar = new Ext.ux.TaskBar(app);//新增工作列 /*--------------------------------------------------*/ //定義區域變數 var taskbar = this.taskbar;//工作列物件 var desktopEl = Ext.get('x-desktop');//桌面DOM元素物件 var taskbarEl = Ext.get('ux-taskbar');//工作列DOM元素物件 var shortcuts = Ext.get('x-shortcuts');//桌面捷徑DOM元素物件 var windows = new Ext.WindowGroup();//視窗群組 var activeWindow;//目前正在動作的視窗 /*--------------------------------------------------*/ //定義函數變數 function minimizeWin(win){//最小化視窗 win.minimized = true; win.hide(); } function markActive(win){ if (activeWindow && activeWindow != win) { markInactive(activeWindow); } taskbar.setActiveButton(win.taskButton); activeWindow = win; Ext.fly(win.taskButton.el).addClass('active-win'); win.minimized = false; } function markInactive(win){ if (win == activeWindow) { activeWindow = null; Ext.fly(win.taskButton.el).removeClass('active-win'); } } function removeWin(win){//移動視窗 taskbar.removeTaskButton(win.taskButton); layout(); } function layout(){ desktopEl.setHeight(Ext.lib.Dom.getViewHeight() - taskbarEl.getHeight()); } /*--------------------------------------------------*/ //當WindowsResize時觸發layout函數 Ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(layout); //定義物件的屬性與方法(this.開始的) this.layout = layout; this.createWindow = function(config, cls){//建立視窗 var win = new (cls || Ext.Window)(Ext.applyIf(config || {}, { manager: windows, minimizable: true, maximizable: true })); win.render(desktopEl); win.taskButton = taskbar.addTaskButton(win); win.cmenu = new Ext.menu.Menu({ items: [] }); win.animateTarget = win.taskButton.el; win.on({ 'activate': { fn: markActive }, 'beforeshow': { fn: markActive }, 'deactivate': { fn: markInactive }, 'minimize': { fn: minimizeWin }, 'close': { fn: removeWin } }); layout();//呼叫私有函數function layout() return win; }; this.getManager = function(){ return windows; }; this.getWindow = function(id){//取得特定ID之視窗 return windows.get(id); } this.getWinWidth = function(){//取得視窗寬度 var width = Ext.lib.Dom.getViewWidth(); return width < 200 ? 200 : width; } this.getWinHeight = function(){//取得視窗高度 var height = (Ext.lib.Dom.getViewHeight() - taskbarEl.getHeight()); return height < 100 ? 100 : height; } this.getWinX = function(width){//取得視窗X座標 return (Ext.lib.Dom.getViewWidth() - width) / 2 } this.getWinY = function(height){//取得視窗Y座標 return (Ext.lib.Dom.getViewHeight() - taskbarEl.getHeight() - height) / 2; } /*--------------------------------------------------*/ layout(); if (shortcuts) { shortcuts.on('click', function(e, t){//Ext.lib.Event事件程式庫,Ext.EventObject if (t = e.getTarget('dt', shortcuts)) { e.stopEvent();//停止事件 var module = app.getModule(t.id.replace('-shortcut', '')); if (module) { module.createWindow();//當點選時,執行模組內部的createWindow函數 } } }); } };Module.js
/*! * Ext JS Library 3.0.3 * Copyright(c) 2006-2009 Ext JS, LLC * licensing@extjs.com * http://www.extjs.com/license */ /*--------------------------------------------------*/ //定義桌面模組物件 Ext.app.Module = function(config){ Ext.apply(this, config);//複製config的屬性至this物件 Ext.app.Module.superclass.constructor.call(this); this.init(); } /*--------------------------------------------------*/ //定義桌面模組物件子類別Ext.app.Module,繼承父類別Ext.util.Observable。 Ext.extend(Ext.app.Module, Ext.util.Observable, { //新增成員函數 init: Ext.emptyFn//a reusable empty function讓使用者建立物件時填入 }); /*--------------------------------------------------*/StartMenu.js
/*! * Ext JS Library 3.0.3 * Copyright(c) 2006-2009 Ext JS, LLC * licensing@extjs.com * http://www.extjs.com/license */ /** * @class Ext.ux.StartMenu * @extends Ext.menu.Menu * A start menu object. * @constructor * Creates a new StartMenu * @param {Object} config Configuration options * * SAMPLE USAGE: * * this.startMenu = new Ext.ux.StartMenu({ * iconCls: 'user', * height: 300, * shadow: true, * title: get_cookie('memberName'), * width: 300 * }); * * this.startMenu.add({ * text: 'Grid Window', * iconCls:'icon-grid', * handler : this.createWindow, * scope: this * }); * * this.startMenu.addTool({ * text:'Logout', * iconCls:'logout', * handler:function(){ window.location = "logout.php"; }, * scope:this * }); */ /*--------------------------------------------------*/ //開始功能表 Ext.namespace("Ext.ux"); //由ExtJS建立兩個物件,分別是Ext和Ext.ux兩個物件,避免命名衝突 /*--------------------------------------------------*/ //定義StartMenu物件繼承Ext.menu.Menu物件建立子物件 Ext.ux.StartMenu = Ext.extend(Ext.menu.Menu, { //初始化元件 initComponent: function(config) {//覆寫父物件方法 Ext.ux.StartMenu.superclass.initComponent.call(this, config); var tools = this.toolItems;//工具項 this.toolItems = new Ext.util.MixedCollection();//混合型集合類別 if(tools){ this.addTool.apply(this, tools);//複製tools至this物件 } }, //物件的方法 onRender : function(ct, position){ Ext.ux.StartMenu.superclass.onRender.call(this, ct, position); var el = this.el.addClass('ux-start-menu'); var header = el.createChild({ tag: "div", cls: "x-window-header x-unselectable x-panel-icon "+this.iconCls }); this.header = header; var headerText = header.createChild({ tag: "span", cls: "x-window-header-text" }); var tl = header.wrap({ cls: "ux-start-menu-tl" }); var tr = header.wrap({ cls: "ux-start-menu-tr" }); var tc = header.wrap({ cls: "ux-start-menu-tc" }); this.menuBWrap = el.createChild({ tag: "div", cls: "x-window-body x-border-layout-ct ux-start-menu-body" }); var ml = this.menuBWrap.wrap({ cls: "ux-start-menu-ml" }); var mc = this.menuBWrap.wrap({ cls: "x-window-mc ux-start-menu-bwrap" }); this.menuPanel = this.menuBWrap.createChild({ tag: "div", cls: "x-panel x-border-panel ux-start-menu-apps-panel" }); this.toolsPanel = this.menuBWrap.createChild({ tag: "div", cls: "x-panel x-border-panel ux-start-menu-tools-panel" }); var bwrap = ml.wrap({cls: "x-window-bwrap"}); var bc = bwrap.createChild({ tag: "div", cls: "ux-start-menu-bc" }); var bl = bc.wrap({ cls: "ux-start-menu-bl x-panel-nofooter" }); var br = bc.wrap({ cls: "ux-start-menu-br" }); this.ul.appendTo(this.menuPanel); var toolsUl = this.toolsPanel.createChild({ tag: "ul", cls: "x-menu-list" }); this.mon(toolsUl, 'click', this.onClick, this); this.mon(toolsUl, 'mouseover', this.onMouseOver, this); this.mon(toolsUl, 'mouseout', this.onMouseOut, this); this.items.each(function(item){ item.parentMenu = this; }, this); this.toolItems.each( function(item){ var li = document.createElement("li"); li.className = "x-menu-list-item"; toolsUl.dom.appendChild(li); item.render(li); item.parentMenu = this; }, this); this.toolsUl = toolsUl; this.menuBWrap.setStyle('position', 'relative'); this.menuBWrap.setHeight(this.height - 28); this.menuPanel.setStyle({ padding: '2px', position: 'absolute', overflow: 'auto' }); this.toolsPanel.setStyle({ padding: '2px 4px 2px 2px', position: 'absolute', overflow: 'auto' }); this.setTitle(this.title); }, //物件的方法 findTargetItem : function(e){ var t = e.getTarget(".x-menu-list-item", this.ul, true); if(t && t.menuItemId){ if(this.items.get(t.menuItemId)){ return this.items.get(t.menuItemId); }else{ return this.toolItems.get(t.menuItemId); } } }, /** * Displays this menu relative to another element * @param {Mixed} element The element to align to * @param {String} position (optional) The {@link Ext.Element#alignTo} anchor position to use in aligning to * the element (defaults to this.defaultAlign) * @param {Ext.ux.StartMenu} parentMenu (optional) This menu's parent menu, if applicable (defaults to undefined) */ show : function(el, pos, parentMenu){ this.parentMenu = parentMenu; if(!this.el){ this.render(); } this.fireEvent("beforeshow", this); this.showAt(this.el.getAlignToXY(el, pos || this.defaultAlign), parentMenu, false); var tPanelWidth = 120; var box = this.menuBWrap.getBox(); this.menuPanel.setWidth(box.width-tPanelWidth); this.menuPanel.setHeight(box.height); this.toolsPanel.setWidth(tPanelWidth); this.toolsPanel.setX(box.x+box.width-tPanelWidth); this.toolsPanel.setHeight(box.height); }, addTool : function(){ var a = arguments, l = a.length, item; for(var i = 0; i < l; i++){ var el = a[i]; if(el.render){ // some kind of Item item = this.addToolItem(el); }else if(typeof el == "string"){ // string if(el == "separator" || el == "-"){ item = this.addToolSeparator(); }else{ item = this.addText(el); } }else if(el.tagName || el.el){ // element item = this.addElement(el); }else if(typeof el == "object"){ // must be menu item config? item = this.addToolMenuItem(el); } } return item; }, /** * Adds a separator bar to the Tools * @return {Ext.menu.Item} The menu item that was added */ addToolSeparator : function(){ return this.addToolItem(new Ext.menu.Separator({itemCls: 'ux-toolmenu-sep'})); }, addToolItem : function(item){ this.toolItems.add(item); if(this.ul){ var li = document.createElement("li"); li.className = "x-menu-list-item"; this.ul.dom.appendChild(li); item.render(li, this); this.delayAutoWidth(); } return item; }, addToolMenuItem : function(config){ if(!(config instanceof Ext.menu.Item)){ if(typeof config.checked == "boolean"){ // must be check menu item config? config = new Ext.menu.CheckItem(config); }else{ config = new Ext.menu.Item(config); } } return this.addToolItem(config); }, setTitle : function(title, iconCls){ this.title = title; this.header.child('span').update(title); return this; } });
/*! * Ext JS Library 3.0.3 * Copyright(c) 2006-2009 Ext JS, LLC * licensing@extjs.com * http://www.extjs.com/license */ /** * @class Ext.ux.TaskBar * @extends Ext.util.Observable */ /*--------------------------------------------------*/ //定義工作列物件 Ext.ux.TaskBar = function(app){ this.app = app; this.init(); } /*--------------------------------------------------*/ //子類別Ext.ux.TaskBar,繼承父類別Ext.util.Observable。(3-argument) Ext.extend(Ext.ux.TaskBar, Ext.util.Observable, { //新增初始化成員函數 init : function(){ //建立開始功能表物件 this.startMenu = new Ext.ux.StartMenu(Ext.apply({//複製開始功能表組態 iconCls: 'user', height: 300, shadow: true, title: 'Web Desktop', width: 300 }, this.app.startConfig)); this.startBtn = new Ext.Button({ text: '開始', id: 'ux-startbutton', iconCls:'start', menu: this.startMenu,//設定開始選單 menuAlign: 'bl-tl',//對齊buttom left corner + top left corner renderTo: 'ux-taskbar-start', clickEvent: 'mousedown', template: new Ext.Template( '<table cellspacing="0" class="x-btn {3}"><tbody><tr>', '<td class="ux-startbutton-left"><i> </i></td>', '<td class="ux-startbutton-center"><em class="{5} unselectable="on">', '<button class="x-btn-text {2}" type="{1}" style="height:30px;">{0}</button>', '</em></td>', '<td class="ux-startbutton-right"><i> </i></td>', "</tr></tbody></table>") }); var width = this.startBtn.getEl().getWidth()+10; //開始功能表容器 var sbBox = new Ext.BoxComponent({ el: 'ux-taskbar-start', id: 'TaskBarStart', minWidth: width, region:'west', split: true, width: width }); //工作列按鈕容器 this.tbPanel = new Ext.ux.TaskButtonsPanel({ el: 'ux-taskbuttons-panel', id: 'TaskBarButtons', region:'center' }); //工作列配置容器,使用border配置,包含sbBox與tbPanel兩元素 var container = new Ext.ux.TaskBarContainer({ el: 'ux-taskbar', layout: 'border', items: [sbBox,this.tbPanel] }); return this; }, //新增成員函數 addTaskButton : function(win){ return this.tbPanel.addButton(win, 'ux-taskbuttons-panel'); }, //新增成員函數 removeTaskButton : function(btn){ this.tbPanel.removeButton(btn); }, //新增成員函數 setActiveButton : function(btn){ this.tbPanel.setActiveButton(btn); } }); /*--------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @class Ext.ux.TaskBarContainer * @extends Ext.Container */ //子類別Ext.ux.TaskBarContainer,繼承父類別Ext.Container。(2-argument) Ext.ux.TaskBarContainer = Ext.extend(Ext.Container, { //新增成員函數 initComponent : function() { Ext.ux.TaskBarContainer.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.el = Ext.get(this.el) || Ext.getBody(); this.el.setHeight = Ext.emptyFn; this.el.setWidth = Ext.emptyFn; this.el.setSize = Ext.emptyFn; this.el.setStyle({ overflow:'hidden', margin:'0', border:'0 none' }); this.el.dom.scroll = 'no'; this.allowDomMove = false; this.autoWidth = true; this.autoHeight = true; Ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(this.fireResize, this); this.renderTo = this.el; }, //新增成員函數 fireResize : function(w, h){ this.fireEvent('resize', this, w, h, w, h); } }); /*--------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @class Ext.ux.TaskButtonsPanel * @extends Ext.BoxComponent */ //子類別Ext.ux.TaskBarContainer,繼承父類別Ext.Container。(2-argument) Ext.ux.TaskButtonsPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.BoxComponent, {//工作列按鈕容器 activeButton: null, enableScroll: true, scrollIncrement: 0, scrollRepeatInterval: 400, scrollDuration: .35, animScroll: true, resizeButtons: true, buttonWidth: 168, minButtonWidth: 118, buttonMargin: 2, buttonWidthSet: false, initComponent : function() { Ext.ux.TaskButtonsPanel.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.on('resize', this.delegateUpdates); this.items = []; this.stripWrap = Ext.get(this.el).createChild({ cls: 'ux-taskbuttons-strip-wrap', cn: { tag:'ul', cls:'ux-taskbuttons-strip' } }); this.stripSpacer = Ext.get(this.el).createChild({ cls:'ux-taskbuttons-strip-spacer' }); this.strip = new Ext.Element(this.stripWrap.dom.firstChild); this.edge = this.strip.createChild({ tag:'li', cls:'ux-taskbuttons-edge' }); this.strip.createChild({ cls:'x-clear' }); }, addButton : function(win){ var li = this.strip.createChild({tag:'li'}, this.edge); // insert before the edge var btn = new Ext.ux.TaskBar.TaskButton(win, li); this.items.push(btn); if(!this.buttonWidthSet){ this.lastButtonWidth = btn.container.getWidth(); } this.setActiveButton(btn); return btn; }, removeButton : function(btn){ var li = document.getElementById(btn.container.id); btn.destroy(); li.parentNode.removeChild(li); var s = []; for(var i = 0, len = this.items.length; i < len; i++) { if(this.items[i] != btn){ s.push(this.items[i]); } } this.items = s; this.delegateUpdates(); }, setActiveButton : function(btn){ this.activeButton = btn; this.delegateUpdates(); }, delegateUpdates : function(){ /*if(this.suspendUpdates){ return; }*/ if(this.resizeButtons && this.rendered){ this.autoSize(); } if(this.enableScroll && this.rendered){ this.autoScroll(); } }, autoSize : function(){ var count = this.items.length; var ow = this.el.dom.offsetWidth; var aw = this.el.dom.clientWidth; if(!this.resizeButtons || count < 1 || !aw){ // !aw for display:none return; } var each = Math.max(Math.min(Math.floor((aw-4) / count) - this.buttonMargin, this.buttonWidth), this.minButtonWidth); // -4 for float errors in IE var btns = this.stripWrap.dom.getElementsByTagName('button'); this.lastButtonWidth = Ext.get(btns[0].id).findParent('li').offsetWidth; for(var i = 0, len = btns.length; i < len; i++) { var btn = btns[i]; var tw = Ext.get(btns[i].id).findParent('li').offsetWidth; var iw = btn.offsetWidth; btn.style.width = (each - (tw-iw)) + 'px'; } }, autoScroll : function(){ var count = this.items.length; var ow = this.el.dom.offsetWidth; var tw = this.el.dom.clientWidth; var wrap = this.stripWrap; var cw = wrap.dom.offsetWidth; var pos = this.getScrollPos(); var l = this.edge.getOffsetsTo(this.stripWrap)[0] + pos; if(!this.enableScroll || count < 1 || cw < 20){ // 20 to prevent display:none issues return; } wrap.setWidth(tw); // moved to here because of problem in Safari if(l <= tw){ wrap.dom.scrollLeft = 0; //wrap.setWidth(tw); moved from here because of problem in Safari if(this.scrolling){ this.scrolling = false; this.el.removeClass('x-taskbuttons-scrolling'); this.scrollLeft.hide(); this.scrollRight.hide(); } }else{ if(!this.scrolling){ this.el.addClass('x-taskbuttons-scrolling'); } tw -= wrap.getMargins('lr'); wrap.setWidth(tw > 20 ? tw : 20); if(!this.scrolling){ if(!this.scrollLeft){ this.createScrollers(); }else{ this.scrollLeft.show(); this.scrollRight.show(); } } this.scrolling = true; if(pos > (l-tw)){ // ensure it stays within bounds wrap.dom.scrollLeft = l-tw; }else{ // otherwise, make sure the active button is still visible this.scrollToButton(this.activeButton, true); // true to animate } this.updateScrollButtons(); } }, createScrollers : function(){ var h = this.el.dom.offsetHeight; //var h = this.stripWrap.dom.offsetHeight; // left var sl = this.el.insertFirst({ cls:'ux-taskbuttons-scroller-left' }); sl.setHeight(h); sl.addClassOnOver('ux-taskbuttons-scroller-left-over'); this.leftRepeater = new Ext.util.ClickRepeater(sl, { interval : this.scrollRepeatInterval, handler: this.onScrollLeft, scope: this }); this.scrollLeft = sl; // right var sr = this.el.insertFirst({ cls:'ux-taskbuttons-scroller-right' }); sr.setHeight(h); sr.addClassOnOver('ux-taskbuttons-scroller-right-over'); this.rightRepeater = new Ext.util.ClickRepeater(sr, { interval : this.scrollRepeatInterval, handler: this.onScrollRight, scope: this }); this.scrollRight = sr; }, getScrollWidth : function(){ return this.edge.getOffsetsTo(this.stripWrap)[0] + this.getScrollPos(); }, getScrollPos : function(){ return parseInt(this.stripWrap.dom.scrollLeft, 10) || 0; }, getScrollArea : function(){ return parseInt(this.stripWrap.dom.clientWidth, 10) || 0; }, getScrollAnim : function(){ return { duration: this.scrollDuration, callback: this.updateScrollButtons, scope: this }; }, getScrollIncrement : function(){ return (this.scrollIncrement || this.lastButtonWidth+2); }, /* getBtnEl : function(item){ return document.getElementById(item.id); }, */ scrollToButton : function(item, animate){ item = item.el.dom.parentNode; // li if(!item){ return; } var el = item; //this.getBtnEl(item); var pos = this.getScrollPos(), area = this.getScrollArea(); var left = Ext.fly(el).getOffsetsTo(this.stripWrap)[0] + pos; var right = left + el.offsetWidth; if(left < pos){ this.scrollTo(left, animate); }else if(right > (pos + area)){ this.scrollTo(right - area, animate); } }, scrollTo : function(pos, animate){ this.stripWrap.scrollTo('left', pos, animate ? this.getScrollAnim() : false); if(!animate){ this.updateScrollButtons(); } }, onScrollRight : function(){ var sw = this.getScrollWidth()-this.getScrollArea(); var pos = this.getScrollPos(); var s = Math.min(sw, pos + this.getScrollIncrement()); if(s != pos){ this.scrollTo(s, this.animScroll); } }, onScrollLeft : function(){ var pos = this.getScrollPos(); var s = Math.max(0, pos - this.getScrollIncrement()); if(s != pos){ this.scrollTo(s, this.animScroll); } }, updateScrollButtons : function(){ var pos = this.getScrollPos(); this.scrollLeft[pos == 0 ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('ux-taskbuttons-scroller-left-disabled'); this.scrollRight[pos >= (this.getScrollWidth()-this.getScrollArea()) ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('ux-taskbuttons-scroller-right-disabled'); } }); /*--------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @class Ext.ux.TaskBar.TaskButton * @extends Ext.Button */ Ext.ux.TaskBar.TaskButton = function(win, el){ this.win = win; Ext.ux.TaskBar.TaskButton.superclass.constructor.call(this, { iconCls: win.iconCls, text: Ext.util.Format.ellipsis(win.title, 12), renderTo: el, handler : function(){ if(win.minimized || win.hidden){ win.show(); }else if(win == win.manager.getActive()){ win.minimize(); }else{ win.toFront(); } }, clickEvent:'mousedown', template: new Ext.Template( '<table cellspacing="0" class="x-btn {3}"><tbody><tr>', '<td class="ux-taskbutton-left"><i> </i></td>', '<td class="ux-taskbutton-center"><em class="{5} unselectable="on">', '<button class="x-btn-text {2}" type="{1}" style="height:28px;">{0}</button>', '</em></td>', '<td class="ux-taskbutton-right"><i> </i></td>', "</tr></tbody></table>") }); }; /*--------------------------------------------------*/ //子類別Ext.ux.TaskBar.TaskButton,繼承父類別Ext.Button。(2-argument) Ext.extend(Ext.ux.TaskBar.TaskButton, Ext.Button, { onRender : function(){ Ext.ux.TaskBar.TaskButton.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments); this.cmenu = new Ext.menu.Menu({ items: [{ text: '還原', handler: function(){ if(!this.win.isVisible()){ this.win.show(); }else{ this.win.restore(); } }, scope: this },{ text: '最小化', handler: this.win.minimize, scope: this.win },{ text: '最大化', handler: this.win.maximize, scope: this.win }, '-', { text: '關閉', handler: this.closeWin.createDelegate(this, this.win, true), scope: this.win }] }); this.cmenu.on('beforeshow', function(){ var items = this.cmenu.items.items; var w = this.win; items[0].setDisabled(w.maximized !== true && w.hidden !== true); items[1].setDisabled(w.minimized === true); items[2].setDisabled(w.maximized === true || w.hidden === true); }, this); this.el.on('contextmenu', function(e){ e.stopEvent(); if(!this.cmenu.el){ this.cmenu.render(); } var xy = e.getXY(); xy[1] -= this.cmenu.el.getHeight(); this.cmenu.showAt(xy); }, this); }, closeWin : function(cMenu, e, win){ if(!win.isVisible()){ win.show(); }else{ win.restore(); } win.close(); } });